Come to visit our beautiful piggy - Holly

Posted by Mother Hubbard's Pet on

Holly is so lucky. He was first spotted in Rotary Park by a very kind customer of ours, and promptly called Sabrina. After 45mins of fighting Holly's speed, and the prickle bushes, Sabrina finally caught her and promptly brought her to the vet. Everything was fine, he is in good health. Great!

Sadly, chances are that Mr Holly was dumped there by his previous owners. 
Pets are a commitment, and some cannot handle it.

Holly is currently living in our White Rock store.
If you are interested in her, drop by, take a look, and fall in love


1 comment

  • After living in the White Rock store for a while, and with the special care from Sabrina, Holly has become more sociable. Every time when you are around, she will squeak for your attention. Sabrina always treats her with fresh veggies and fruits. Holly will come running if she hears you cracking a celery. Cute Piggy.

    Mother Hubbard's Pet on

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